Unit 5. LinkedList

Topics Covered

  1. Concept and Definition
  2. Inserting and Deleting nodes
  3. Linked implementation of a stack (PUSH/POP)
  4. Linked implementation of a queue (Insert/Remove)
  5. Circular List
    1. Stack as a circular list (PUSH/POP)
    2. Queue as a circular list (Insert/Remove)
  6. Doubly Linked List (Insert/Remove)

Unit 3. The Stack

Topics Covered

  1. Concept and Definition  
    1. Primitive Operations 
    2. Stack as an ADT 
    3. Implementing PUSH and POP operation 
    4. Testing for overflow and underflow conditions 
  2. The Infix, Postfix and Prefix  
    1. Concept and Definition
    2. Evaluating the postfix operation 
    3. Converting from infix to postfix 
  3. Recursion  
    1. Concept and Definition 
    2. Implementation of: 
      1. Multiplication of Natural Numbers 
      2. Factorial 
      3. Fibonacci Sequences 
      4. The Tower of Hanoi